FAQ | Lloyd Sadd
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Frequently Asked Questions

Please review the list below for any questions that you may have. We have attempted to put as much detail at your fingertips to reduce the administrative costs for the program so that we can keel premiums as low as possible.

Why do I need this coverage?

In short, to protect yourself and the agency you provide services for. Agencies are contractually obligated to ensure that everyone providing services has proper liability insurance in place.

What Coverage do I need?

To protect you, and to ensure you have the correct coverage to satisfy your contractual obligations the agency you provide services for, you need a Commercial Liability Insurance policy tailored to your care provider operations. We offer a package policy with a $2,000,000 Liability limit for a min premium of $500.00.

How Much does a policy cost?

Most contractors pay the minimum premium of $500.00, however premiums increased for different scenarios such as larger revenues and certain mobility aids.

Can I remove some of the coverage to pay less premium?

No. The minimum premium for a policy of this type is $500.00 and the coverage that is required by your agency is included in the coverage created specifically to protect residential contractors providing services to agencies.

Can I increase deductibles to reduce premium?

No. The minimum premium for a policy of this type is $500.00 and the coverage that is required by your agency is included in the coverage created specifically to protect residential contractors providing services to agencies.

Can my home or tenants policy cover me?

No. home or tenants’ Insurance does not usually provide protection for you if something happens arising out of the residential care of your clients. The support you provide is considered a business operation and personal property policies do not cover business ventures of this nature.

My agency has coverage, am I insured with them?

While the agency you work for has an insurance policy, the insurance carrier is no longer offering coverage for contractors providing residential and/or respite support services. Contractors can no longer be covered under an agencies insurance policy.

I work for more than one Agency, do I need two policies?

It is unlikely. Unless your services for the second agency do not fall within what was entered on your application, we can likely cover both agencies on the same policy. Make sure you enter the total money you make without any deductions for both agencies in your application and select all the services you provide.

The application asks about gross revenue, what is this?

This is the money you receive for your services without taking away any expenses or room and board that you charge. Fill in the total annual amount you receive to provide services.

Someone living with me is also providing services, can they be on the policy as well?

Yes, as long as they are living with you and also providing the same services. Please ensure their name is entered on the application form so we can include them on the policy.

My client uses a wheelchair, and it is asking about maintenance what does this mean?

The insurance company needs to ensure that you have a maintenance contract or plan of your own in place to ensure the wheelchair is in good working order. The Brake should be checked for manual wheelchair and the motor for electric wheelchair.

How can I pay for my policy?

This program is written through Intact insurance. Intact offers several ways to pay for your policy and offers full payment as well as payments plans.

Can I pay with a Credit Card?

Yes, Credit cards are accepted for payment in full. Once you receive your policy click here to pay for your policy in full with credit card. You can also register it so the payment will come off of your credit card for future renewals as well. Payments plans are not currently available for credit card. .

Can I pay with e-transfer?

No, but you can add Intact insurance to your online banking and pay directly from your bank account like any other bill payment. You will need the 13 digit policy number from the top right of your billing statement with Intact.

When is my payment due?

Your payment is due the date that your policy comes into effect, you can arrange to make monthly payments but if you choose to pay the policy in full it is due as soon as you receive your billing statement from Intact Insurance.

How do I change my banking information?

Click HERE to complete a request to change your payment details. You will need to have a photo or file of your new VOID cheque or banking form. It is important to know that Intact Insurance requires 14 days notice to ensure that the next payment will come out of your new account.

how do I add or change something on my Policy

Contact one of our teams members to make changes.

Where can I get a copy of my policy if I have misplaced it?

If you have misplaced your copy of your policy we can sent it to you by email, or you can sign up for our Client Connect Portal and you will always have access to your policy documents online. You will need to enter an email, phone number and policy number to sign up.